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Robotics & Logistics Automation


Smart Factory Assembly Automation

With over 35 years of accumulated wealth of experience and know-how in the assembly automation industry, especially in the automotive and semi-conductor industries, YUJIN ROBOT offers various types of compelling and optimized assembly and inspection automation solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of global customers.


Smart Factory Logistics Automation

As a first-generation domestic robot company with over 35 years of experience in the automation business, YUJIN ROBOT offers various types of logistics automation AMRs that can be used in factories, warehouses, hospitals, and other industries and facilities.

By adopting YUJIN ROBOT’s proprietary autonomous mobility technology, AMRs offered by YUJIN ROBOT can be adopted in diverse applications to meet the continually changing needs of customers with its robust design and internationally accredited safety rating.


Warehouse Logistics Automation

YUJIN ROBOT’s warehouse logistics AMRs are specialized for order picking applications in the warehousing logistics industry.

By offering an AMR enabled DPS (Digital Picking System), the picking quantity is digitally displayed on a digital indicator on the top cart module where it is widely used in the logistics industry.

By combining YUJIN ROBOT’s AMR with a DPS enabled cart, the warehouse operator can reduce human resources and also increase overall order picking efficiency without compromising safety.

특징 1번-DPS cart AMR solution 관련 사진

Healthcare Logistics Automation

As applications and technologies continue to grow, healthcare transport robots are being adopted for various applications in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. By deploying AMR in hospitals, you can expect various effects, such as increasing work efficiency and lowering the cost burden and the possibility of injury to workers. YUJIN ROBOT has successfully established healthcare logistics system by deploying GoCart AMRs in various hospitals and nursing homes in Korea and overseas.


Robotization Solution

One-stop solution for producing your own AMR, retrofitting existing AGVs to AMRs and manual equipment into autonomous AMR.  We also provides in-depth consulting, mechanical design, technical support, etc.  Based on our proprietary 3D LiDAR, SLAM, Navigation Controller, Safety Controller and robot control system (FMS, Fleet Management System), we increase customer satisfaction and efficiency with a unique and distinguishing autonomous navigation solution.

화면 캡처 2023-08-14 194919

Customer Reference

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  • Doosan
  • continental
  • miele
  • electromart
  • hyndai
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Industry Case

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Discover success stories of YUJIN ROBOT logistics automation solutions in various industrial sites and applications
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  • GoCart AMR Improves Efficiency & Safety for Korean Warehouse

    The GoCarts are fully integrated within the company’s warehouse management system (WMS), order-picking solution and DPS system and move automatically to designated points, allowing the stationary workers in their assigned zones to pick up and fulfill orders and transport goods to the final packing zone. Three months post-implementation, the warehouse has seen significant improvements.




    Cutting Tools Manufacturer Sees Improved Delivery Processes with AMRs

    A Korean manufacturer has been at the forefront of innovation in cutting tool products, such as milling cutters, drills and forming tools, for 47 years. Boasting a rich history of continuous improvement, commitment to quality and adaptation to the latest technological advances, this Korean leader with a worldwide presence is now embracing a new wave of innovation with the adoption of Yujin Robot’s GoCart AMRs.

    Logistics Automation



    Eyeglass Lens Manufacturer Sees Greater Efficiency with AMRs

    “GoCart has improved our productivity by about 20%,” manufacturers said, noting that the company is looking forward to seeing how it continues to improve its performance with help from AMRs.

    Assembly Automation

    Logistics Automation



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