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What Is Obstacle Detection and Avoidance in AMRs?

AMRs have autonomous driving technology that allow them to move intelligently. Learn more about obstacle detection and obstacle avoidance for robots.

How a Fleet Management System (FMS) for AMRs Operates Alongside Your Staff

the combination of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) run by a fleet management system (FMS) and human workers can increase productivity,

The Robotization of Processes: Helping Workers Across the Globe

  In 2019, economists from Oxford University made a bold prediction: By 2030, they said, robots could be filling as many as 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world. In...

Adapting to the Materials Handling Industry Worker Shortage with Automation

With no signs of resignations slowing down, the materials handling industry faces ongoing challenges. Not only do warehouses need to retain their existing workforce, but they are also trying to hire and train new workers.

What to Consider When Integrating Mobile Robots to Your Warehouse or Factory

However, going forward with warehouse robot is a decision that must be made with great care and scrutiny. You’re not necessarily

Robots as a Service: How This Automation Tactic Could Benefit Your Company

Robots as a Service (RaaS) has quietly gained traction as an alternative to costly investments in additional manpower or infrastructures.

How AMR Are Changing the Material Handling Industry

The material handling industry is struggling with worker shortage, safety and more. See how Autonomous Mobile Robots are changing the industry.

How Mobile Robots Benefit Workers

Many employees assume that bringing automation to their workplace puts their jobs at risk. Others, including managers and executives, worry that automated systems and mobile robots will harm morale, or force their business into rigid systems that can’t adapt as easily as a human workforce.

What Are the Benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robots for Smart Factories and Warehouses?

Smart factories and automated warehouses help with safety, worker shortage and more. See the benefits AMRs in factories and warehouses. Read more.

9 Emerging Trends in Industrial Robotics

Emerging trends in industrial robotics include technology like robotic arms, mobile robots and futuristic solutions like self-healing robots. Learn more.

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YUJIN ROBOT provides the Robotics & Automation solutions needed for companies to build more innovative smart factories.

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